Scientific Name: Symphysodon Aequifasciatus
Common Name: Pigeon Blood Discus, Checker Board Discus, Discus
Adult Size: 6 - 7 inches
Life Expectancy: 5 years
Habitat: Amazon basin of S. America
Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallon
Ideal Tank Conditions:
- Temperature Range: 82 - 86°F
- pH Range: 6.4 - 7.2
- Water Hardness: 1 - 4
Temperament: Small will school, large can be semi aggressive
Diet & Nutrition: Carnivore; will eat a broad range of foods from flakes, small pellets, frozen, and live worms along with brine shrimp, but not always on the first attempt. DO NOT feed them tubifex worms. Tubifex carries too many pathogens and the risk of introducing disease to your Discus is too great a risk.
Breeding & Spawning: Will lay their eggs on broad leaved plants like Amazon Swords or almost any vertical flat surface that is to their liking. Fry are best kept with the parents as they will eat the slime that the parents secrete.
Gender: Venting is the best way to sex Discus.